Sunday, March 27, 2011


         Our World of Days                                (Published  originally in march 1997)

             Three months ago, New Year's day was just upon us with its usual resolutions for the  days to come in the New Year.  These are important because each day of the  year should be a special day.

             There are official days for celebration:  Labor, Veterans, Flag,
         Thanksgiving...; and unofficial ones for remembrance:  the Day of
         Infamy, Nov 22nd, D-Day and V-day.  Personal days include our birthday,  wedding, graduation and other memorable family events, sad or happy.

              According to the Bible, it took seven days to create the world,
         forty to flood it; the day of reckoning is still to come.  The
         prophets also wandered thirty or forty days in the desert.

              In the meantime, we think of the days o' auld lang syne, the days
         of wine and roses, our dancing days, the good old days and we realize
         that Rome was not built in a day.

In the Calypso islands the song is Day O!  while around Christmas
we sing of the twelve days thereof.  When our sweetheart croons "Night  and Day, you are the one" we feel like King or Queen of the Day.  In
Oklahoma we get up early to intone "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh
what a beautiful day."

              In the North, there are snow days but in Delray Beach, that will
         be the day!  Besides a Hard Day's Night we know of work days and
         holidays, blue days and better days.  Some say "I hate the day", but
         still they put in a good day's work knowing that tomorrow is another
         day, that they have seen better days and that Harry said "Go ahead,
         make my day."

              So let us resolve that, from this day forward, we will always
         give the time of day. Let us seize the day and make it a perfect day.

              Today is the first day of the rest of our life.  Smile.

                                            Jacques M GILLY

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