Saturday, March 5, 2011


Our World of old age friends

As we grow older we don’t realize that we have friends good and bad who influence our life. Let me tell you about them. Some friends are here to help us throughout the day. Unfortunately, there are also some undesirable friends who visit us.

When it is time to get up in the morning from a nice comfortable bed I need my friend Will. It is indeed Will Power who starts my day and I call on him with gratitude. Charlie however is not welcome, so a little walk or some exercise should keep Charlie Horse away.

Unfortunately, Art may visit us some of us. He is unpleasant and difficult to get rid of.  We should take all possible measures to keep Art Ritis at bay. He may be very active and take us from joint to joint. You may want to call on Ben to help; that is Ben Gay of course.

Art’s friend, Ann, is very depressing and she will sap all your energy. Take all measures to combat Ann Eamia. Colette is a pleasant and vivacious person but she has a tendency to drink a little too much. So watch out for a high Colette Sterol. Not good for you. Of course you have severed all relations with Nick Otin a long time ago.

The worst of our visitors is Amnie Zia. Because of Annie, when I go to my kitchen to get something I usually arrive there wondering “What am I here for?” The best thing to do I guess is to write it down.

I was told recently the story where the husband gets up to go to the kitchen and his wife asks him: “Dear,could you please bring me a dish of ice cream? Vanilla.  Now write it down so you don’t forget.” 
“Not necessary” shrugs the man; sure enough he comes back a few minutes later carrying a tray with a cup of tea and a jar of jam.
“See! …I told you!” says his wife. “I knew,I knew you would not remember. Look at that. You forgot to bring the toast.”

Write it down and



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