Sunday, March 6, 2011

Willing to stand up??

Unrest in the Middle East  - Sunday, March 06, 2011

EGYPT. Mubarak is out. Today protesters march against the buildings of the State Security Services in several cities. This Agency was used by the US in the rendition program in which terrorists were relocated to Egypt for interrogation.
ALGERIA. Police break up marches by demonstrators.
LIBYA. Gadhafi forces with tanks in fierce battle in Zawiya against rebels.Many casualties reported.
BARHAIN. Anti-monarchy protesters form huge  human chain around capital.
OMAN Oil workers in sit-in at oil field requesting improved social benefits.
YEMEN Thousand protesters cause ruling party members to resign.

All those protesters in favor of a more just and democratic government seem to have a good point. What should a member of the repressing forces do if he agrees with the protesters?
In our country, should a police officer resign when given orders against his beliefs?
How far should we  stand up for our beliefs?


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