Sunday, March 27, 2011


         Our World of Days                                (Published  originally in march 1997)

             Three months ago, New Year's day was just upon us with its usual resolutions for the  days to come in the New Year.  These are important because each day of the  year should be a special day.

             There are official days for celebration:  Labor, Veterans, Flag,
         Thanksgiving...; and unofficial ones for remembrance:  the Day of
         Infamy, Nov 22nd, D-Day and V-day.  Personal days include our birthday,  wedding, graduation and other memorable family events, sad or happy.

              According to the Bible, it took seven days to create the world,
         forty to flood it; the day of reckoning is still to come.  The
         prophets also wandered thirty or forty days in the desert.

              In the meantime, we think of the days o' auld lang syne, the days
         of wine and roses, our dancing days, the good old days and we realize
         that Rome was not built in a day.

In the Calypso islands the song is Day O!  while around Christmas
we sing of the twelve days thereof.  When our sweetheart croons "Night  and Day, you are the one" we feel like King or Queen of the Day.  In
Oklahoma we get up early to intone "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh
what a beautiful day."

              In the North, there are snow days but in Delray Beach, that will
         be the day!  Besides a Hard Day's Night we know of work days and
         holidays, blue days and better days.  Some say "I hate the day", but
         still they put in a good day's work knowing that tomorrow is another
         day, that they have seen better days and that Harry said "Go ahead,
         make my day."

              So let us resolve that, from this day forward, we will always
         give the time of day. Let us seize the day and make it a perfect day.

              Today is the first day of the rest of our life.  Smile.

                                            Jacques M GILLY


It is easy to convert the songs on a CD to the mp3 format so you can play them on your computer and mp3 player.

How to obtain the free  rip program:
Goto In the window that opens, make sure you click on Freerip Basic. It Is FREE to download and to use.

TO rip  a CD with Freerip:
After you instal the program Freerip on your computer,
Load the CD you want to rip in your computer CD drive.
Open the Freerip program from your desktop icon.
Click on Rip then Rip to MP3



Saturday, March 19, 2011


Again, with UNO approval the USA and other nations intervene in an armed conflict.
If after a week of armed rebellion, Kadhafi's forces seem to be prevailing against the insurgents, maybe we are coming in toolittle too late.
As we say in French" il n'est pas né de la dernière pluie" (he was not born in the latest rain).
Let us hope we have an IraQ #1 with no #2.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Picasa full screen view

To quickly view a picture at full screen size, without having to enter Slideshow mode:
In Library View, click on the image you want to view. That selects it (blue frame around it) .Then press and hold down the CTRL and ALT keys simultaneously. The image will display full screen for as long as you keep the keys held down. (In Edit View, the current picture is already selected, so just press and hold CTRL and ALT).

NOTE: The image may look blocky at first, but it will refine momentarily.



Another month and the cicadas will wake up from their thirteen year periodic long sleep. Listen to their strident  grating shrill .
What will be life in 2024 when they reappear again? A new President, another war, our disappearance, more grandchildren, a head-embedded cell phone, global freezing, maybe.
But their song will be the same as ever. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Photoshop Element Too Bar

The toolbar for editing pictures  with PSE may be hard to figure out.  Some butttons stsnd for several tools, Please find below english captions for each of the small buttons.

LEFT Column of PSE buttons

Button                    INcludes:





Cookie cutter

Red eye

Brush, Impressionist

Color Replacement

Pencil Tool
Paint Bucket

Shape selection
 Elliptical, Polygon,Line,
 Custom,Shape select
Dodge, Burn

Right column of PSE buttons

BUTTON           INcludes



Magnetic, Polygonal
Selection tool
Brush, Quick


Spot, Healing brush
Magic, Background
Smart brush
Detailed smart Brush

Blur tool
Sharpen, Smudge

Willing to stand up??

Unrest in the Middle East  - Sunday, March 06, 2011

EGYPT. Mubarak is out. Today protesters march against the buildings of the State Security Services in several cities. This Agency was used by the US in the rendition program in which terrorists were relocated to Egypt for interrogation.
ALGERIA. Police break up marches by demonstrators.
LIBYA. Gadhafi forces with tanks in fierce battle in Zawiya against rebels.Many casualties reported.
BARHAIN. Anti-monarchy protesters form huge  human chain around capital.
OMAN Oil workers in sit-in at oil field requesting improved social benefits.
YEMEN Thousand protesters cause ruling party members to resign.

All those protesters in favor of a more just and democratic government seem to have a good point. What should a member of the repressing forces do if he agrees with the protesters?
In our country, should a police officer resign when given orders against his beliefs?
How far should we  stand up for our beliefs?


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Our World of old age friends

As we grow older we don’t realize that we have friends good and bad who influence our life. Let me tell you about them. Some friends are here to help us throughout the day. Unfortunately, there are also some undesirable friends who visit us.

When it is time to get up in the morning from a nice comfortable bed I need my friend Will. It is indeed Will Power who starts my day and I call on him with gratitude. Charlie however is not welcome, so a little walk or some exercise should keep Charlie Horse away.

Unfortunately, Art may visit us some of us. He is unpleasant and difficult to get rid of.  We should take all possible measures to keep Art Ritis at bay. He may be very active and take us from joint to joint. You may want to call on Ben to help; that is Ben Gay of course.

Art’s friend, Ann, is very depressing and she will sap all your energy. Take all measures to combat Ann Eamia. Colette is a pleasant and vivacious person but she has a tendency to drink a little too much. So watch out for a high Colette Sterol. Not good for you. Of course you have severed all relations with Nick Otin a long time ago.

The worst of our visitors is Amnie Zia. Because of Annie, when I go to my kitchen to get something I usually arrive there wondering “What am I here for?” The best thing to do I guess is to write it down.

I was told recently the story where the husband gets up to go to the kitchen and his wife asks him: “Dear,could you please bring me a dish of ice cream? Vanilla.  Now write it down so you don’t forget.” 
“Not necessary” shrugs the man; sure enough he comes back a few minutes later carrying a tray with a cup of tea and a jar of jam.
“See! …I told you!” says his wife. “I knew,I knew you would not remember. Look at that. You forgot to bring the toast.”

Write it down and

