Monday, January 24, 2011

Imagine that the following was an actual blog entry from me on the internet. Impossible since the internet in my story is down!!!! But maybe someone found this note scribbled on apiece of paper in my destroyed house.

From what we understand a cyberattack last week, on January 30, closed down the distribution grids for electric power first on the West Coast then the rest of the country and part of Canada. No more lights, no internet, n0 banking , no transportation, empty supermarket shelves, no clean water from the faucet, no TV, no cell phone, still radio on a portable with almost exhausted batteries, no newspapers, no mail, no gas in the car.I saw our neighbor yesterday come to get water from our pool. He carried a rifle.
Yesterday there was an army truck at the club house. They handed out ration boxes. Tuna fish in hermetic plastic bag and a powdered drink.
It is 6 o’clock soon and getting dark. We are burning pieces of our wooden kitchen table in the fireplace. It is getting down to 50 during the night in our living room where we congregate. We heard that the restoration of power is delayed because of the lack of large transformers .
We disconnected the downspouts from the gutters and collected rain water during last week storm. Pool water has chlorine not recommended for dinking. I wonder if a water truck will come like you see in scenes from Africa. We have almost finished all the frozen stuff from our refrigerator. Not much on our pantry shelves.
Who would think that a bug planted in a Utilities computer system by a possibly Al queda malevolent hacker could explode in such a national cataclysm with a complete debacle of our lives?

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