Monday, February 28, 2011


The bookman

Last night at the 2011 Oscar Presentation, a recipient , in her thank you speech, let the F word slip out of her mouth. Of course the vigilant network blipped out the offensive utterance from the air. That reminded me of our Bookman of yore that we used to avoid similar trouble.
In the High school my children attended (that was in the last century), we had a Bookman. He was on duty every time there was a parents’ meeting at school that same night. He had a couple of spray paint cans and an hour before the meeting he roamed the halls looking for offensive graffiti. Then using the appropriate spray can he would change the F into a B, and the U and the C into an O. Some parents were pleased to see how much their children appeared to like BOOKS!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


CAMEO  Picture

1.     Open a picture of a person in PhotoShop Elements (any version)
2.     Use the Elliptical Marquee tool (not the Rectangular) to select the bust of your subject from the picture.
3.     Adjust the position of the selecting oval frame by judicious repeated tapping of the arrow keys on the keyboard.
4.     Get the Feather Selection box with Alt+Ctrl+D. Start with a radius of 20. Click OK.
5.     Save it to the clipboard with Ctrl+C
6.     Create a new blank image with Ctrl+N. Make it 8 ½ X 11. Click on OK.
7.     Paste your feathered selection in the new blank image with Ctrl+V.
8.     Enlarge it and position it as needed.
9.     If you don’t like the effect, go back to step 3 and try a different radius. Eventually you’ll get a pleasant soft effect around your subject.

Additional touches:
§       If you use a colored baby picture of your grandchild , before you paste  the feathered selection, give the new picture a pastel pink/blue background for a professional look.(Edit menu, Fill)
§       If you work with Grandpa’s colored picture, after pasting, give your feathered image that antique look by turning it to grayscale (Image menu / Mode / Grayscale, Flatten if it appears).
§       Prints on matte paper to get a true “beginning of the century” effect (the twentieth century!).
§       Do that with a friend’s picture. You’ll never have to buy a gift again.

US still the leader

 Recently read the comment:” We were, and can and WILL be a great nation again.”

We are a great nation. We are great consumers of imported products from China and others. We are great producers ourselves.We have the top standard of living. We have the greatest armed forces deployed around the world to promote democracy and assert our might . Our Navy with its aircraft carriers is around the globe to bring relief and protection to the stricken spots.
Thank you China for flooding our markets  with inexpensive goods. We remain the producers of sophisticated and refined products and leaders in medicine, literature, film and TV, R and D, living standards.
We will remain a great nation as long as we recognize temporary economic problems and implement  solutions to assure our might.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Our World of Supers

Our life may have been influenced in our youth by a teacher, certainly by our Mother and Father and in our adult years definitely by our spouse.
 Permit me to introduce today a person that has conditioned the quality of our life possibly without our realizing it. That person, under various names, but in the same capacity, has been and is a determining factor in our daily well being. That is the famous “Super” of apartment buildings up north, also known in our Florida surroundings as the “Property Manager” .
When I came to this country in 1954, I settled in New York City around Brooklyn College. In our area (Nostrand and Avenue I), the Italians were up north along Flatbush Avenue; the Jewish crowd occupied the territory along Eastern Parkway all the way south to the Bay.
The Super in our building was a small wiry man from Scotland who liked the bottle. He had seen better days. He took an immediate liking to me, a compatriot from Overthere.
Every month as I came down to pay my rent, he literally pulled me inside his place for a friendly drinking session. There, he would reminisce about his days of glory in the Old Country. After two glasses of Port (minimum requirement), I managed to escape, leaving him to finish his bottle in his own quiet delusive remembrance of his lost splendor.
My unsolicited friendship eventually paid off. Some problem developed with another young neighboring couple. I mentioned it to my Scottish friend. He said, “Have no fear, Mr. Gilly.” (On the Continent, you do not call people by their first name unless you are related). “ I will take care of it.” He apparently did because within a week that couple had moved out.
This anecdote demonstrates the influence that a Super or a PM (Property Manager) can have on the quality of your life.
Years later, we eventually graduated to our own house in the Washington DC suburbs. No Condo Manager there to contend with. However, we eventually bought a Studio in an Ocean Front Condo in Rehoboth Beach. It was just two hours away, except on those weekends when fifty thousand motorists wanted to cross the Chesapeake Bay bridge at the same time to get there.
After a few months, the nice woman directing the Condo operations was replaced by Fred, the professional, the ultimate and consummate man for the job.
 Fred was a pro. He knew that he had to flatter the Board members and lick their boots. He also had to please the important owners (mainly big time lawyers and lobbyists) by keeping their ownership worry free, regardless of the expense, a costly proposition. He did just that.
Fred always had a deal to save us money provided we paid the high price. In general, he acted as if he were indispensable, irreplaceable and a hero.
Year after year, Fred took us through the classic sequence of events. First, the practically new roof developed some leaks. Fix them? Certainly not. Fred had a deal for a complete new roof, very expensive, but he could get a special price on it, a fantastic saving. After that, we repainted the building, not really needed but a deal you could not refuse. Of course, the parking lot had to be resurfaced to look pretty. A special expensive covering was used but Fred again had a deal. The swimming pool was next. It cost us plenty but we saved a lot!
At his request, Fred’s apartment in the back was given an ocean view by tunneling though the sauna, using its space and part of the front lobby. Another time, overnight, the building acquired twenty washing machines and dryers, again a super deal. To justify the expense, we were told the funds used to create our own private Laundromat was a year-end surplus, that had to be spent to avoid taxes on it. 
Fred’s day of glory culminated at the Annual Owners Meeting when he would give his report. There, he could describe how, single handedly, he had saved our building at the peril of his life the previous winter by closing the open windows and doors during a storm. It was better than watching the Titanic movie. A bonus and a substantial salary increase were immediately approved by acclamation by the lawyers and lobbyists from Washington in the audience.
Today, here in my Florida Condo, some people make decisions over which we have little control. They condition our life and our well being. We are subject to the goodwill of the Front Office for the services we may need. If our status with management is favorable, good reasons are found to do what we suggest. Otherwise, we are cited strict regulations that prevent the same thing. Therefore, it behooves us to be in good terms with the authorities.
As I have been urging you all these years, whatever your status may be, keep smiling. You may eventually be granted what you wish.
                                   Jacques M Gilly
Published April 2001 in Condo newspaper

Saturday, February 12, 2011

the brown fox

In your MS office word processor, get to a new line and type
Then hit the enter key.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


To get our country back on the right track from the current runaway deficit:
  • Washington should cancel the remaining stimulus funds. (Unemployment support could be funded with other savings.)
  • The Federal spending should be limited to 20% of GDP as in post WWII years.
  • Farm subsidies to agribusinesses should be reformed.
  • Federal employees compensation and benefits are 30% above the private sector and should be brought down.That’s over 45 billion dollars a year.
  • Drop the annual “doc gift” (cuts for Doctors on Medicare payments) and above all
  • defuse the ticking Obamacare timebomb.
The list can go on and on

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jose can u see


Christina Aguilera not only flubbed a line during her rendition of our National Anthem at Superbowl XLV but she could not even hit the high note near the end. Throughout she added hiccupping motifs making it sound like a hip hop tube. Such digressions on our solemn Anthem are a desecration of the spirit of our forefathers and should be forbidden. You would think good taste by the singer would be sufficient to maintain the dignity of the song.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


One of the Windows 7 goodies I share with my friends:
If you run windows 7 on your machine, the sticky notes facility provides a great way to quickly type a reminder, a name, a phone number, an idea in a sticky note on your desktop like the paper ones you stick about your desk .

Click is always LEFT unless right is specified.

Using sticky notes:
  • To create a new note, click on + in an existing  note heading (top left),
  • Or click on the Sticky Note icon in the Task Bar (See below how to create that icon )
  • Delete a note with a click on its X (Top right).
  • Add text in Note: click inside note to get a typing cursor. Type .
  • Change color of Note: right click in Note
Very easy and convenient to use.
A little more intricate to set up.

One time set up
create Sticky note icon on the taskbar:
  1. Click on Start then on All Programs
  2. In the list that appears click on Accessories (usually below a bunch of “Windows …” entries)
  3. In the Accessories list that now appears, RIGHT click on Sticky Note then,
  4.  in the menu that opens, left click on Pin to Task Bar. Now your Task Bar has a new  Icon ( a picture of a yellow note on top of a blue note).

 From now on, just click on that icon to get a new note on your desktop.


Friday, February 4, 2011


After Sept 11, President Bush enjoined us to chose between ourselves and the terrorists. In Tunisia in December 2010 the choice was between a friendly dictator and a Taliban type regime in a North African country.
This is a familiar historical cycle. A spontaneous movement spreads among dissatisfied subordinate groups. The challenged rulers make concessions. Are they sufficient? The liberal bourgeoisie desires to get back on the smoother road.  The protesting tide must choose: collect your gain or double you bet. The younger segment wants to replace the  aging autocracy. Often an outside factious group intrudes in the disorder and imposes its own Mafiosi interests.
Remember the suggestion by Jeane Kirkpatrick some 30 years ago that pro western authoritarian regime were preferable to the totalitarian regime that may replace them. Enthused Ronald Reagan nominated her to be US Ambassador to the United Nations. No doubt the replacement of the Shah by the Ayatollahs in Iran and the substitution of President Somosa by the Sandinistas in Nicaragua are two examples that the evils of a moderate autocracy well disposed toward American interests are preferable to unfriendly extremism.
As of today- Friday Feb 4 2011- The situation in Egypt is still evolving. Will the  pro western and well remunerated  friendship of strong man, Mubarak or his successor going to continue? Or worse are the Islamists going to seize power before the current democratic protesters establish an egalitarian government?
Protests  for democracy and freedom stem from the suppression of the motto of the French revolution “ Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” by a brutal police, a stale parasitic bourgeoisie, a corrupt leader, a future without hope.
Let us hope that we are not heading for a new Nasser and international trade compromised by a blocked Suez canal.